Because of data protection rules, you will find you need a password to enter the main body of this site. All family members can get their own personal access code by writing to: – and explaining who you are. Send me the password you would like to use from the email that you are happy to use as your User Name – and I will forward you your code, usually within 24-hours.
Once into the site, go to “Search for someone” – usually yourself or your youngest close family member. You then click on their photograph – and their parents will be revealed; click on their father, and their grand-father will be revealed – and so on until you run out of older generations. (NOTE: very little has been filled in as yet! Give us time and/or pester us with information – and we shall prioritise what you send us!)
If you do NOT find yourself, write to me – and tell me your relationship with some one you CAN find on the site. Currently, we are only entering Woollcombe relations, not those of spouses or their families. (If YOU wish to enter details of your spouses and their family history, this site has a large capacity, so write to me at: – and we can see what we can sort out.)
Please note, each screen only shows three generations as otherwise they become unreadable. You can navigate across the larger family tree by moving your mouse across the navigation pane on the top right of the screen
Another way to see all family members is go to the SURNAME INDEX: this lists all the names of people on the site – the spouses, the children, their wives. Everyone. But it is not working quite right yet: so better to use: “Search for someone”
Each Person has 3 x icons: the first is like a book – and leads directly to the person’s biography – birth, marriage, death etc.; the second is their full profile – which contains photographs, videos, links to other sites etc. – if they have them. (Most don’t at this stage!). The third is a map icon – which shows each person’s place of birth, and place of death.
If in doubt consult the FAQ. If still in doubt, write to: