Below is a list of hopefully all questions about this Family Tree system that you may have. Simply find the most appropriate questions and the answer will be displayed. We hope that this section is useful in helping you find your way around the Woollcombe Family Tree.
Due to the constraints of the modern computer screen it is only possible to display a limited amount of information at any one time. We settled on four levels as this seemed the most practical amount of information to display at any one time, whilst still maintaining the traditional family tree feel.
If the section of the family tree that you are viewing is too large for your screen then you are able to move around the viewing pane in the traditional manner by using the side ‘up & down’ scrollbar and the bottom ‘left & right’ scrollbar, you will see that the ‘Tree’ will move accordingly. So you are able to ‘scroll’ the tree to any position that you require.
We have even included a virtual ‘Tree Position’ tool which is located at the top right of the Family Tree viewing pane. The Red Bordered square acts as a virtual indicator of where you are on that section of the family tree. Additionally, you can click anywhere in this pane to automatically move your screen viewing location. Basically it gives you a rough guide of where you are on the screen at any given point.
Have a play, you will soon get the hang of it.
When you look at the screen at any position within the tree you will notice that the person at the top of the viewing pane is highlighted with a red border. This means that he or she is the ‘Prime Subject’ and that subsequent branches below directly relate to him/her.
To view a specific part of the tree you simply select the person you wish to make the ‘Prime Subject’ and click on their photo or the icon: and the screen will display them in the highlighted position and their direct descendants. Additionally, you will also see their parents, so that you can identify where you have come from.
If an individual has had more than one spouse then above the first displayed spouses entry will have two blue arrow buttons to navigate back and forth along with an entry like “Spouse 1 of 2” to move to the next spouse simply click the blue arrow button and the details of that spouse will be displayed along with any subsequent children.
To go back to a previous spouse simply click the blue arrow pointing left.
This button will take you to the individual's biography screen with expanded details on this person including where possible a photo, the main details, a written biography of the individual including any interesting stories or facts and a list of life events.
This is an area which displays all the major events in an individuals life. For example Birth dates, marriage dates, the birth of children, key events like honours and awards and Death dates. There may also be some detail listed to individual life events.
You will notice that where other individuals are shown you can link directly through to their biography pages as well.
Yes you can. If you go to "Search for Someone" under the 'Interactive Family Tree' drop-down menu, enter the first name, press 'Search' on the long blue bar, and all the people entered on the tree with that name will come up in blue at the bottom of the page. There are other fields for other search criteria that work in the same way.
The results will be displayed in surname, forename and year of birth order to a maximum of 30 per page and in three columns. If there are more than 30 search results, then the subsequent results will automatically be displayed on another page.
You will also be able to click on an individual and view them in the ‘Primary’ position in the family tree.
This is a quick index of all members of the family tree.
Simply click on the letter that corresponds to the first letter of the surname of the person you are looking for. The results will be listed in exactly the same way as with the ‘search page’.
You will also be able to click on an individual and view them in the ‘Primary’ position in the family tree.
If you feel that we have missed anything or that you have any suggestions on how we could improve this system please contact us by emailing